Looking for a Free Website to Schedule IG Posts and Respond to DMs/Comments?

Looking for a Free Website to Schedule IG Posts and Respond to DMs/Comments?

Are you someone who is struggling to find a free website that allows you to schedule social media posts and respond to DMs and comments?

Have you come across Meta Business Suite and found that it doesn’t connect with your Instagram account or offer the necessary support?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone!

In this article, we’ll explore some free website recommendations to help you manage your social media accounts with ease.

free websites for scheduling Instagram posts and reply to comments and DMs

The Dilemma: Unable to Respond to DMs and Comments

As a social media manager or content creator, you must be aware of the importance of responding to DMs and comments on your posts.

This not only helps to build a relationship with your followers but also helps to increase engagement on your posts.

However, if you’re facing trouble responding to DMs and comments on Instagram, then it can be frustrating.

In a Reddit post, a user mentioned that they were unable to respond to comments on Meta Business Suite.

However, other users commented that they were able to respond to comments and set up automatic responses using the app. This signifies that the problem was not a universal one but only specific to some users.

The Solution: Try Hootsuite, Planable or Buffer

If you’re looking for a free website to schedule Instagram posts and respond to DMs and comments, then you should try:

These websites offer a range of features that will help you manage your social media accounts with ease.


Hootsuite is a popular social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts across multiple social media platforms.

It also offers a range of features such as analytics, team collaboration, and content curation.

However, the free version of Hootsuite only allows you to manage up to three social media profiles.


Planable is another great tool for scheduling social media posts.

It offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to schedule and publish posts across different social media platforms.

Planable also allows you to preview your posts before publishing them, which is a useful feature for ensuring that your posts are visually appealing.


Buffer is a popular social media scheduling tool that allows you to schedule posts for multiple social media platforms.

The free version of Buffer allows you to manage up to three social media profiles and schedule up to ten posts at a time.

Buffer also offers a range of features such as analytics, link shortening, and team collaboration.

Other Suggestions from Users

Apart from Hootsuite, Planable, and Buffer, there are other websites that users have suggested in the above post.

One user suggested using Postpartner.io for Facebook, which they claim is better than any other tool.

Another user suggested trying out Hootsuite and Planable, both of which they have found to be effective.

Troubleshooting Tips for Instagram Account Connection Issues

Are you facing issues connecting your Instagram account to a social media management tool?

One of the users in the above post mentioned that they were unable to connect their Instagram account to Business Manager and even TikTok.

If you’re facing a similar issue, here are some troubleshooting tips that might help you.

  1. First, check your Facebook settings for the IG page connection and unhook/rehook. Sometimes, old Facebook pages that you may have accidentally connected to your IG account could be causing the issue.
  2. Also, check your mobile settings and ensure that everything is unlinked.
  3. Try re-linking your accounts after this.

If you’re still unable to connect your accounts, you could consider deleting your account and starting over.

However, before doing so, ensure that you have exhausted all possible options.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, managing social media accounts can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a content creator or social media manager.

With the help of free websites such as Hootsuite, Planable, and Buffer, you can schedule posts and respond to DMs and comments with ease.

These websites offer a range of features that can help you save time and increase engagement on your posts.

If you’re facing issues connecting your Instagram account to a social media management tool, then try out the troubleshooting tips mentioned above.

In case you’re still facing issues, you could consider reaching out to the customer support of the particular website or app.

Remember, social media is all about building relationships with your followers, and responding to DMs and comments is a crucial aspect of it.

So, don’t shy away from using social media management tools to make your job easier and improve your online presence.


Is there a free way to schedule Instagram posts?

Yes, there are free websites that allow you to schedule Instagram posts. Some popular ones are Hootsuite, Planable, and Buffer.

Can I schedule comments on Instagram?

Unfortunately, you cannot schedule comments on Instagram. You can only respond to comments in real-time.

What is the best Instagram post scheduler?

The best Instagram post scheduler depends on your specific needs and preferences. Hootsuite, Planable, and Buffer are popular choices that offer a range of features.

Is there a free social media scheduler?

Yes, there are free social media schedulers available. Some examples are Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later. However, the free versions may have limited features and may only allow you to manage a limited number of social media profiles.